Monday 30 November 2009

A Little Husky for You

Just a small post because I've found a nice 'Husky' jacket on after trawling around some websites. I re-ignited my search after a girl walked in wearing one in a lecture today. It made me so smug to know I had written about it as a trend previously and then I was seeing it in reality (not that I think I influenced her - of course she hasn't read this blog - no one has...! )

Anyway, it made me wonder where she had got it from, though it looked a little 'vintage' i.e. maybe from a charity shop or somewhere, as it had a nice plaid lining to it that made it look like a proper husky, horse-rider jacket, so in other words I doubted I'd be able to find one in a high street shop, and I'm far too pathetic to have gone up and asked her where it was from like any confident person would have obviously. However I thought I'd look online to see if any stores had picked up on the trend, and of course only the lovely asos had:

There seem to be loads of options for men on their site too - maybe it's more of a male trend?!

Anyway enjoy

Elvie xxx

Saturday 21 November 2009

Tweet Tweet

Just thought I'd say, if anyone in the slightest is reading, you can follow my musings, or ramblings on Twitter at

Elvie xxx

High Buns and Huskies

Bonsoir web world.

I thought I'd talk about the 'private school girl' look that is always on the peripheral of fashion trends.

It's a tricky thing, because in one way I despise private school girls and really want to slap them sometimes, but actually it's probably just jealousy as ultimately I wish I had gone to private school - doesn't everyone want to, deep down, come from a rich family, go to the best schools and then go to Cambridge or Oxford?? I hate myself for saying it but it's probably true in my case.

So the typical look of a private pupil comes with the same mixed feelings - I think it looks pompous and haughty but really I wish I could pull it off, though that then poses another problem - if I did pull off the look I would be pretending to be something I'm not and putting out a snobby image perhaps... I don't know, I think about these things far too much probably!

Anyway... basically I've noticed a couple of micro-trends that seem to be in this preppy vein: very high buns and husky jackets. 

I've noticed the buns more really, it seems to be the way to wear your hair at the moment and definitely has the 'model' look about it. Basically it's just a simple twisted bun almost right on top of the head but not done too tightly so the hair looks a little loose and has a few wisps of hair flayling (I may have made that word up) around. BUT the bun itself is not a big messy one - it's tight, neat and concise, it's the rest of the hair that can be a bit messy. Again this is just a trend I've noticed on the streets of Landan and not so much on celebs so I can't prove it with celeb power I'm afraid. And also I would take a picture of myself wearing one but it really doesn't suit me because I have a side fringe (a grown out front fringe) which is too short so always falls down and this look only seems to look good with all the hair pulled back into the bun.

Now husky jackets. I only actually recently found out what they were called, but have been noticing these quilted, usually navy, jackets on people at the same time as the bun hairstyle. It seems it's a jacket you can only wear if you are confident in your style because otherwise you'd probably look like you were impersonating the Duchess of Cornwall or some other horsey middle-aged woman (like Jennifer Saunder's character in Jam and Jerusalem - comprendez??) because it is a very strong staple of the privately-educated wadrobe. Once again no celeb pictures but I'll post the best example of one of these jackets on here, though it's not a great one I'm afraid, I've seen much better on girls I've passed on the street, but hey-ho, here we go ^ (see above)

 Also, just thought I'd show you my new boots from River Island that I luh-uh-uve, and were £35 which is reasonable for RI really, and they are flat ankle boots with a bit of studding - what more could you want?! YUM.

Elvie xxx

PS I think things have changed around on here so I can't have the same font colour which is annoying for miss meticulous here, but nevermind...

Saturday 7 November 2009

Jump into warm festive sparkles

Wow it's been a whole two months since my last post - I am slacking. But I have a sort of excuse - I'm back at uni in London so my schedule consists of more than just lie-ins, watching tv and cruising the interweb now - lectures appear somewhere in the midst as well...

Anyway I thought I'd talk about the jumper with embellishment (mostly in the form of sequins) trend that is emerging. I first noticed it a couple of months ago when I saw one in H&M but unfortunately I was only idling some time away until I had to catch a train and didn't have time to try it on and possibly purchase said item - but it was nice anyway, and I regretted not buying it because next time I looked it had already gone and H&M don't sell online either.

Anywho, after this incident I have noticed more and more long, snuggly jumpers (perfect for the nippy weather obv) shrouded in a sequined or some sort of sparkled design, often draping over one shoulder or around the neckline, or in an emblazoned emblem on the front. I can't find any examples of celeb-wearing for this trend really, but I've scoured the shopping sites for some pictures and here we go:

The left is from and costs £45 which is a a little steep, but not too bad for a warm jumper that you know will be well made and can also be worn dressed up or down. The right is from and is £10 cheaper than the asos one but maybe not as stylish.

There are loads about in high street shops, so the choice is endless, if only I could have that H&M one though....

Elvie xxx