Thursday 15 July 2010

Perry and Brand

Hello. After much mishappenings with my laptop, I gave in and bought a new one. So now I have absolutely no excuse not to post regularly.... uh oh...

Anyway, I only recently realised that I left my new favourite couple out of my list that I posted the other week: Katy Perry and Russell Brand.

I'm not really a major fan of either, but like most people, I think Russell is tres amusant and strangely rather attractive. As I'm from good ol' Blighty, I first saw Russell Brand way back in the day when he did Big Brother's Big Mouth and from then on have always taken a slight interest in what he gets up to. Like I say, I'm not a big fan because some of his stuff is a bit off-the-wall and not my taste, but let's say I'm fond of him.

The same goes to say for Katy Perry. I was obviously first aware of her when she released 'I Kissed a Girl' and then quite liked her songs 'Hot 'n' Cold', 'Waking Up in Vegas' and 'Thinking of You' but her songs are just mainstream pop that I can sing along to and tolerate, again not really my main taste when it comes to music. I'm fairly ambivalent towards her style and personality, but she seems nice enough.

So to get to the point, I was fairly pleased when they got together, and I began to like them more as a couple than as individuals for a few reasons. First it was pretty quick and nobody expected it; secondly it's a transatlantic relationship - I like it when Americans date English people, for some bizarre reason it makes me feel proud; and thirdly, Brand was known to be a terrible womaniser so the fact that he's fallen in love and proposed to someone, let alone a worldwide famous popsinger, is quite humbling and sweet.

Besides they always look very happy together, and are surprisingly quite suited it seems.

All power to them I say, and sorry for forgetting them!

Elvie xxx